All About Me

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Glasgow, United Kingdom
Hey im Gail! I am your total girly girl loving all things pink and smellling nice! I am totally addicted to makeup MAC being my fav! I am also a big lover of victoria secrets lotions and potions and of course i can't live with out lush! I am going to get my act together and get my blog sorted! Mucho luv x x♥

19 March 2010

Instant beehive!

Hey guys hope your all good today!

So after purchasing bumpits a while ago I was quite dissappointed with them as I just didn't find them natural looking. I came accross the instant beehive and decided to buy me an instan Amy W look,heres what it looks like,

so yeah its looks rather interesting, basically its a bundle of synthetic hair in a hair net and here is my results,

Please excuse the mess in the background. Well I was actually very pleased with my results and what I like so much about this beehive is that you can make it as big or  as small as you like. I also like the fact that i didn't have to back comb my hair. To me its looks natural compared to the bumpits and at only £5 it was somewhat cheaper. I hope you like it and if your like me and like height at the front of your hair this is your perfect purchase!

Mucho Luv x x x x

1 comment:

  1. That looks really good, may have to purchase!
